
Our Features

An easy to use online platform to manage all of your short-term staffing needs. Building a schedule and staffing an event is as easy as 1-2-3.
Shift Reminders
Schedulosity will automatically send a shift reminders to assigned staff 7 days and 1 day prior to the start of a shift.
Assignment Confirmations
Automatically sends assignment notifications and requires staff to accept and confirm their assignments.
Staff Lists
Create staff lists on the fly from your most up to date schedule to share with event organizers or for off-line record keeping.
Clone Events
Clone a previous event with a new name, date, and/or location. Saves time when creating multiple events!
Send messages to your staff. This is great for last minute notifications such as changes to the event time or location.
Payment Reports
Create payment reports for billable and payable hours to simplify your accounting process. It even has an option for multiple payors.
Auto Availability
Set up automatic availability reminders. Each month, send out requests for availability for the upcoming months.
Assignment Tables
Generate custom assignment tables. Pick one, several, or all upcoming events to create a custom assignment table.
Schedule Sharing
Create custom sharing rules. Share the schedule with everyone assigned, with everyone of the same role, or not at all.
Shift Changes
When you make changes to a published event, all staff who are affected by this change will automatically be notified.
Custom Notifications
Recive as many or a few notifications as you'd like by creating custom email notification filters.
Travel Lists
Generate a list of staff who are travelling to work an event. Assign your staff a "home city" and Schedulosity will compare this city to the event's location.